
Monday, August 29, 2011


hahaha jk I did the "Colege" in purpose! I KNOW I KNOW, Its College. lol. Well like I posted on instagram= Today was my first day at college! I was excited, lost, confused. When I think about adventure the things that come to mind are, wild life, mountains, trees, trails, and so on; college is the adventure! College is what we all seek.  Higher education and let me tell you, college is an adventure. When I began I was so lost didn't know where to go. You need to see me! This is like a puzzle specially when you try to do everything by yourself. I've learned to not be embarrassed/afraid to ask. There is a saying in spanish: "Preguntando se llega a roma" "By asking you will get to Rome." Today I began my second chance to improve my writing skills (pray for me lol). God does give second chances for everything lol. I'm happy for that. Being a class clown is not always a good thing lol. Through my college life I want God to have control. 1Peter 3:17. For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God's will, than for doing evil. Luke 1:37 For nothing is  impossible with God. Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Man Oh man I'm on fire. lol I Just Want His To Do His Will. All I Need Is Him and I Don't want to say it but show it. well I've Written enough and I don't even know if you have read it all. God bless you and Well Give Life Your Best.  


  1. have fun in college!! It's a journey that you don't want to miss...oh yeah, and don't forget to ask God for help;)

  2. haha thanks. How college going for you!? Trust i pray everyday lol specially with this little brain of mine. lol
