
Monday, February 28, 2011

Use It Or Lose It

You have probably heard the phrase "use it or lose it." But how can you "use it" effectively?
The short story: keep learning. Activities you have already mastered—even if you found them challenging at one point—won't do your brain much good.
Based on their detailed understanding of the brain, neuroscientists suggest you choose activities that fit these criteria:
1.They should teach you something new. The brain is a learning machine. To keep it strong, you must continually develop new skills.
2. They should be challenging. Activities should command your full and close attention to drive chemical changes in the brain.
3. They should be progressive. You can begin a new activity at an easy level, but continuously challenge yourself to stay on the edge of your performance abilities—at your "threshold"—so that you improve. This goes for old activities you enjoy, too: pushing yourself to improve will help your brain.
4. They should engage your great brain processing systems. Tasks in which you must make fine distinctions about what you hear, see or feel and use that information to achieve complex goals drive the brain to change its abilities on different levels.
5. They should be rewarding. Rewards amplify brain changes, leading to improved learning and memory. They turn up the production of crucial brain chemicals that contribute to learning, memory, and good spirits.
6. They should be novel or surprising. New, positive and surprising experiences exercise the brain machinery that makes you bright and alert.
It might sound hard to find activities that meet all of these criteria. But the truth is that many new activities will meet most of them. Learning to cha-cha, improving your Spanish, taking up juggling—if you put in the right effort, they all challenge your brain (this is hard!), get progressively harder (move up to Lesson 2), engage several brain systems (motor skills, listening, the visual system), reward you (I can finally do that!), and surprise you (what comes next?).
Cool Huh? Just Thought I'd Give You Some Knowledge lol

Sunday, February 27, 2011


WE HAD REVIVAL FOR 4 DAYS! AND LET ME TELL YOU! IT. WAS. RE-VI-VAL! REV. A. Prado from, Alameda, CA CAME DOWN IN REQUEST OF OUR DEAR PASTOR GUTIRREZ. Man Was He A Blessing. Some Great Things Happen During This Revival and I Pray that It Continues. God is Great! Here are some pics; along the pics I will tell the little Stories.
Rev A. Prado

Giving It His All! Thats What Need!

He Was Making Us Die Of Laughter, He Had Some Awesome Humor

Getting Backed Up By The Pastor's


Alter Call Was Great, People Were Praying Thru, and Getting Some Renewing of the HG

Our Visitor For The Second Time Praying For The HG, Boy Boy Did God Shake Him Up!

A Long Gone Member That we Dearly Loved Getting A Renewing on Saturday Night.

Isn't It Amazing?

It Gets Better!

You Could Just Feel This Tingling Thru Your Face! You Could Feel God's Power Moving



Our Young Ladies Getting The HG 
After A Preety Long Time, In My Opinion A Month Is A Long Time.
Here alter call begins to end, but God had something else in mind. As Rev Prado got to praying in his seat, while others were praying in the alter, he felt God and came up to the mic and said "Dios no a terminado aqui, lo siento en el espiritu" (God is not done here I feel it in the spirit) and he began to get the visitors to come to thee alter, also people that had never got the HG that were members of the church, he then asked for those that had Not gotten the HG for one or more months and needed the renewing of the HG! to come up. You could begin to feel that God was preparing something he also said "if you have the HG, i want you to back up, make room for this people, go back please" so then People began to come and boy was the alter getting full, but people were hungry! You could just see it in them! as they raised there hands and began to pray.
pause  by rev Prado
 some people were embarrassed and he then said "if you dont want the HG you can walk away and you standing out there if you dont have faith that this people will recieve the the HG i want you to get out right now, really i just want you to get out!" then Rev Prado led them thru together, he got them to repent by helping those that needed it. It went something like this "I want all of you to raise your hands and begin to repent" he then prayed for repentance and they repeated(you could start feeling the HG real strong), "I want you to lift your hands and lift your chin towards heaven and ask for GODS touch"
"raise your voices, yell his name, tell him u need him, ask for him, yeeeeeelllll! you love him" wow then and there it began to feel like this: Acts 2:1 "and when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting" (standing for us lol) and when that happen you can just see them dancing, leaping, talking in tongues all of those that had gone up!!! 4 viitors got the HG....

i then got into it, and began to help the visitors pray with the request of my Pastor and well many pictures that would have been beautiful to look at on how God Moves, were not taken, but I'm glad we all witnessed it, it was amazing, even our drummer boy received it realllll good.
more pics will be posted joe took the camera lol. The few pics left out are of Sunday and man did God touch FOUR MORE VISITORS! Im sure and positive that even though Rev Prado is gone, God is still in that Church, we aint gonna stop just yet!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Getting Off L.A.!!! WOOOT WOOOT (in a couple of months lol)

I'm planning a little adventure for my self (I have to save up the money first lol). I'm going to Yosemite! I plan on staying there for two - three days. I love to travel, I love nature, the outdoors, mountains, oceans, rivers, green hills, roads that go forever and ever, etc; I'm an explorer, but my parents, not being the same way, well I can't do such thing, but now that i got my age, I'm hitting the road. Mexico plays a role in my kind of exploring. There is so much open land that extends from one city to another, and that's what I like: the open land. Does that make me a Country person? haha well I can also say the city has its pros, but more cons! So off to Yosemite pretty soon I Think I need a break. i have not even packed and gotten ready but just thinking about it, i get excited. Idk if I will be bringing someone with me.; maybe I will. WOEVER WANTS TO JOIN I GOT ROOM FOR FOUR LOL

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Birthday To A Best Friend

I wanted to dedicate a post to a best friend of mine. NICOLE WAKEFIELD! We have had funny times boring times, climbs up snow hills, slide downs and thats pretty much it haha and also in the Catedral (spanish) in Puebla Mexico ahah Fun Times... Well Today Is Her B-Day and She Is Turning 18! and I Wanted To Congratulate Her and Wish Her The Best In Years To Come. What A Turn In Life, She's Considered an Adult in the USA Now, But In Mexico She Has Been An Adult Since age 12 hahaha .So She Has Always Been Considered an Adult. I'm Glad To Have Her As A Best Friend (and Bethany as well). Their Work In Mexico Is A BLessing, My Uncle At The Age Of 75, Got Baptized Thank God For A Church In Puebla... The Wakefield family all Play A Big Role In That City of Puebla. Nicole all I Have To Say Is Happy Birthday and Live Your Life To The Fullest In Mexico, Because When You Leave It You Will Really Come To Miss It. Happy Birthday Again. and Something I Say Is Always DO Something Real Crazy (Christian Crazy That Is lol) On Your B-Day, So You HAve Something To Say About It, and Always Will Remember. Happy Birthday Nicole. If I Could I Would Send A Cake hahaha and If I Could I Would Defiantly Be There To Make Smash The Cake In Her Face!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday? Ugh. Super Praise Sunday

There is a foot ball game going on today. Whooooo Cares! We are going to have some good Sunday Super Worship haha sorry idk what else to write about so here is something. Pastor G is gone Im Leading Songs Sister Sarha is Playing piano and we are all fasting for a good service. lets see how super we can get and praise God while others worship Football players... yeah they might as well decorate them with Gold and maybe wrap them and freeze them so they have them forever haha. Well a Best Friend told me to post my life stories up, so maybe i will do so.

Saturday, February 05, 2011


If You Were To See My Spirit (the spirit God Almighty gave me for life) In The Figure Of Flesh; You Would See Scars; Scars Of All Sizes and Depth. But I Thank God For His Mercy, His Forgiveness, His Healing, And Unconditional, Unlimited Love.