
Friday, October 07, 2011

A Dedicated Post To My TB's Birthday!!!

"Estas son las mañanitas, que cantaba el Rey David,
Hoy por ser día de tu cumpleaños, te las cantamos a ti,
Despierta, mi bien, despierta, mira que ya amaneció,
Ya los pajarillos cantan, la luna ya se metió.

Que linda está la mañana en que vengo a saludarte,
Venimos todos con gusto y placer a felicitarte,
Ya viene amaneciendo, ya la luz del día nos dio,
Levántate de mañana, mira que ya amaneció.

El día en que tu naciste nacieron todas las flores
En la pila del bautismo, cantaron los ruiseñores
Quisiera ser solecito para entrar por tu ventana
Y darte los buenos días acostadita en tu cama"

best friends not till death but also in heaven lol, we can cause some trouble in heaven lol. 
We have a lot of trouble to make and even when we are old we will continue causing trouble lol. 
I wish you the Best. Make every Birthday a special Birthday! We have had some good times and 
I hate the fact that i have not gotten those memories on hard paper. (pictures lol)
I wishhhhh you the best on this 21 birthday! Wait for me ill catch up i only need a year 1/2 lol. 
I really wanted to send you some flowers but i had no phone where i could have called and all lol and if i would had sent them form here i would have had to done 2 months prior to you birthday lol you know mexican mail lol. Hope to see you soon TB!!! Love you very much and keep on going on!

 This IS the only kind of pics i have.... lol just causing trouble hahaha!
Happy Birthday!!!
everyone viewing this post go ahead and visit her blog and wish a happy birthday!!


  1. Dear fellow followers and readers lol. Excuse my post; for, it is not coherent. I apologize that almost all my post are in that structure. I just always write away because Im in a hurry or I just want to get my thought across lol. I hope you were able to understand this post. God Bless.

  2. Awwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT believe you remembered my birthday ALL BY YOURSELF withOUT me saying a THAAAAANG!! LOL!
    And I CANT believe I got my OWN post on THEEEEE Apostlic Male Model's blog!! I'm honored! :D
    Well thank you muchisimo. Very sweet post *wiping tears from my eyes*
    Man, that sure did make me smile. that pic of us at Gravity Hill...Nicole looks like she's not really sure if she should try to pray the green virgen thru, I'm wearing all black so it looks like my head is floating mid-air, and look just a bit uncomfortable.

    Can't wait to do it again! (snow trip? hehe)


  3. Best friends till someone gets MARRIED!!! Unless you guys marry each other OF COURSE!!! ;)

  4. Hahaha at Anon! Well maybe I still think we will be close friends when we have our coubles lol.

  5. and anon i know your from Phoenix! lol
    The four of us will good friends lol.

  6. @Anon- your SOOOO funny!!! i totally agree with you 100%!!! LOL! Soooo your from Phoenix??? ME TOO!!! ;) Oh, yeah, sooo Marvin, what does TB mean?

  7. Mary, you're cracking me up!! :D
    I'm sure you'd looooooooove the person from PHX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. HAHA!!! I know right?! I bet they are SUCH a cool person!!! Wait soooooo you guys still haven't told me what TB stands for yet???

  9. @anon what was that sad face for lol

  10. Because you won't tell me!!! :,(
